Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Newest Favorite Drink

I've been wanting to try one of these for a couple weeks, but have had not looked very hard. The one store I did look in did not carry them. The timing was right to purchase one on the way to David's this weekend. As you can see it's vitaminwater with natural fruit flavoring. The first one I had was passionfruit. It was so good. It's sweet, but not sweet like soda. According to the label they are sweetened with crystalized fructose. Their labels are quippy too; fun to read. I like that. The second flavor I tried was guava and the third was grape. So far my favorite is passionfruit. They come in fifteen different flavors and vitamin mixtures. The one on the left in the photo is flavored with dragonfruit and according to the label has very much vitamin C, the one in the middle is called tropical citrus for energy and the one on the right is fruit punch fortified for revival. I want to try them all, but they seem hard to find and when I do find them that particular store does not carry all the flavors. So, I may be at it for awhile. To check out all the flavors (maybe you'll want to try them too) I've included a Glaceau, the producer of this drink. I think I'll try tropical citrus tomorrow for energy.

Let me know if you try it.

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