Monday, November 20, 2006

Bunco Night

I joined a different Bunco group recently. In September we had a "pilot" game to see if we would want to committ to playing the entire year; we did and I was the first to hostess the new group at her house.

I hosted the group at my house last Friday night. There were twelve girls over. I made two quiches, one ham and swiss, the other broccoli and cheddar. I also made a veggie tray, hot Italian sausage with peppers served with toasted sourdough, zucchini bread, dark chocolate brownies, pecan bars, sparkling cranberry and apple juices and coffee. Everyone had a great time. Even though I hosted I won the "big" prize for getting the most Buncos; four ceramic appetizer dishes in the shapes of different fall leaves. I picked it out to give as a prize so the winner could use it for Thanksgiving. I'm not even going to be here to serve anything for Thanksgiving. The girl who organized this Bunco group encouraged me to take it even though I bought it so no one else the rest of the year would feel funny about taking their own prize if they win. Maybe next year I'll be able to use them or later this season, but I really don't think I'm going to be hostessing much anymore this year. Posted are pictures of the three tables and the buffett table at the end of the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Save me some.