Saturday, December 13, 2008

Strategy Pays Off

On Wednesday in Cambridge Robin took us to the schools so we could watch the boys participate in Turkey Trots hosted by the schools. Casey's brilliant plan (adopted from his older brother) was to start out slow, let the other boys burn out then pass them all during the second half of the race. It worked!

Here he is coming around the last corner of the race.

Here's the homestretch.

Casey crossing the finish line.

This clever strategy payed off with a first prized turkey. The second place winner was given a pie and third apple cider. Here's a shot of the winners.
Here's a shot of Beau on his THIRD lap around the school's field. We love you guys.

Wednesday night we went to the ice rink and watched hockey practice. Busy busy family. Oh, we also went out for Himalayan food. Yum.

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