Saturday, June 09, 2007

All in One Day

We, John, Kevin, Natalie, and I, left the house this morning by 7:30am to make it to Dupar's in the Los Angeles Farmer's Market for breakfast. We had french toast, pancakes, bacon, a mushroom omelet and coffee. Very good. So good, John said, "We should come back here some time". Yea! From there we went to my newly revisited favorite store, Surfas. They sell all things gourmet and everything kitchen. Since I was there last, which was a couple of years ago, they've moved into a new bigger space. Now they sell even more cool stuff! Below is a picture of their walkway entering the store. See that? There are kitchen gadgets imprinted right in the concrete! How cool is that! I'm still reeling . . .

If you're wondering, I only bought three little things and spent only $10. Two clear plastic tongs (one large, one small) for serving salad at potlucks and a flat whisk came home with me today.

After all that, we went to the beach. Santa Monica Beach. It was a little on the cold side so we didn't go in the water, but we did soak up some sun rays and collect shells. Then we visted the pier, where the picture above was taken. From there we made the trek to 3rd Street Promenade for some Johnnie's pizza. After dinner we purused the shops a bit before stopping into Coffee Bean and Tree Leaf for some coffee and hot chocolate. From there we headed back to Ridgecrest. And here we are, home again, home again . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day trip!